
New contract with Viking Supply Ships

Written by Globetech | Apr 16, 2019 9:23:00 AM
Another renowned ship company is added to a growing list of Globetech clients as a new contract with the local player Viking Supply Ships is agreed.

The new contract ensures all of VSS´ operations will be managed through IT solutions from Globetech, including a full 18-vessel fleet as well as onshore office locations in Kristiansand and Sweden.

- As we decided to move our headquarters back to Kristiansand from Copenhagen, we also wanted to find a local supplier to manage all of our IT operations, says Morten Aggvin, CFO at Viking Supply Ships.

He highlights how Globetech was an ideal fit based on their track-record from similar marine collaborations.

- Our vessels and ice-breakers are often located in harsh areas with limited possibilities of communication, so all of our operations are dependant on well-functioning and trustworthy IT systems, he explains. 

- We need proven experience, which we found at Globetech. They will also support us with consultancy services around IT security, which is a subject matter of growing importance for us today.

One supplier

With Globetech as their new IT supplier Aggvin also highlights the importance of now having only one IT supplier to deal with across the company.

- It makes everything a lot easier for us, especially when it comes to service and support, he says. 

Hans Eirik Onarheim, General manager at Globetech, is proud to add VSS to their growing list of clients.

- Working with such a renowned company is very motivating for us, and we look forward to develop our cooperations with VSS in the future, he says.

Work on installing the SeaNet IT system onboard the VSS fleet has already started and is scheduled to be finalised by the end of 2019.


Based on their current portfolio Globetech is now supplying their SeaNet IT solutions to the entire fleet of ice-breaking vessels operating in the Baltic sea – as well as four vessels from the Swedish coastguard.