Adapting Sea1 Offshore to digital offshore operations

Technology, cyber security, and compliance. Sea1 Offshore's IT Manager discusses the benefits of complementing his own team with Globetech.

Sea1 Offshore (formerly Siem Offshore) is a leading vessel provider to the offshore oil, gas, and renewable industry. Their fleet of 27 vessels consists of anchor handlers, construction vessels, platform suppliers, well-intervention vessels, and scientific drillers. 

In May 2024, one of their trusted anchor-handling tug supply (AHTS) vessels, the Siem Challenger, was dry-docked for painting and upgrades in our hometown of Kristiansand.

We seized the opportunity to visit the vessel with Sea1 Offshore’s IT Manager, Terje Engebretsen.


The digitalization of Sea1 Offshore

With more than thirty years in the business, Mr. Engebretsen has witnessed the digital transformation of the maritime and offshore industries firsthand. As he precisely puts it, vessel IT systems used to be basic. 

– Back in the day, when you put IT on a vessel, it was only email and a few maintenance systems, maybe HSEQ systems for documentation, but still a very basic setup. Today, we see a big change with a new world opening up with new communication setups, he says.

For Sea1 Offshore, IT is already a bridge to many OT systems. New technology presents opportunities and challenges. Leveraging new technology enables safer and more efficient operations, satisfying customers and stakeholders while complying with new regulations. But every digitalized function represents a new backdoor for hostile activities. 

– The industry became especially aware of the risks when Maersk was hacked through known security holes that nobody had bothered to patch, resulting in losses exceeding $300 million, Mr. Engebretsen reminisces. 

We’re, of course, talking about cyber security.


Cracking the cyber defense code

– It became clear to the industry that cyber security must be addressed. It's not going away, and we need mechanisms and good partners to stay on top, Mr. Engebretsen continues.

Sea1 Offshore supplies highly advanced vessels and experiences a growing demand for quality services that ensure compliance and excellence. Complying with new regulations from international organizations such as IMO and ISM is proving increasingly important, and a solid IT partnership is essential. 

– Globetech implements the requirements into their cyber security solutions, assisting us in setting up smart solutions to get the best possible setup. They are important to us because they understand the business deeply and provide insights into best-of-breed IT solutions, declares Mr Engebretsen. 

With a major shift towards cloud-based solutions and improved connectivity through low-earth orbit (LEO) satellites, Sea1 Offshore is increasingly exposing its data. According to Mr. Engebretsen, cyber attacks occur regularly, and the company must remain vigilant and alert when monitoring the threats.

Despite this major change in operation tactics, the seasoned IT manager is confident in his IT solution and security barriers. To defend against cyber attacks, Sea1 Offshore has invested in modern infrastructure, tailored firewalls, various VLAN channels, and network segmentation frameworks. 

– With new communication and more data in the cloud, we’re more exposed to attacks. This has a downside, but we can't stop the world; we have to embrace new technologies to get moving, he expresses optimistically.


A partnership built on operational knowledge

For a company counting more than 1200 employees, Sea1 Offshore’s internal IT department is rather small. In their pursuit of providing value for money and safe operations for their customers, they’ve made a strategic decision to collaborate with IT solutions provider Globetech.

– We rely on a partner who understands the business and the market we’re operating in. Supporting our vessels is demanding and requires around-the-clock, year-round support. In the end, it comes down to quality. We trust in Globetech, Mr. Engebretsen remarks confidently.

He emphasizes the importance of system integration, which enables efficient software updates, log-pulling, and troubleshooting remotely, saving considerable time and costs. The system setup also allows Sea1 Offshore to monitor, analyze, and optimize operations such as fuel consumption, making it easier for them to reduce emissions. 

– Globetech understands our business. Their maritime and offshore specialization help us achieve compliance, safety, and efficiency through our IT solutions, he says, before concluding:

– At the end of the day, the vessel sails away, and everything must be working. To deliver on our promise to exceed client expectations, we need a good IT partner. I think Globetech has delivered very well.




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